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The Valley So Low

by Donna Hendrix

On the many roads you travel as you live this life you lead
There will be mountains and valleys and detours to impede
High upon the mountain tops the wind pushes beneath your wings
Down within the valley to your Savior you must cling

As painful as trips into the valley can possibly be
It's the time God meets face to face with thee
When life is seemingly at its crest
We think we're seeing God at His very best

But when thrown deep into a valley of despair
We meet God on a level as none other can compare
Feel all the love and compassion that He can offer you
Heed all of His instructions as He sees you through

So as you walk through the valley have no fear
Your Savior will lead you until all is clear
Walk with Him and talk with Him all along your journey
For then you and God will build a relationship to last through all eternity

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