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by Donna Hendrix

Lord, I can now clearly see
The path you've carved for me
A winding road of hurt and pain
Your wisdom and peace I did gain
From the ache of almost losing a child
To the tornadic winds that left such trials
The loss of my dad at age fifty-four
Left heartaches behind at my very core
A close friend who died and left such a gap
My heart strings just left in the wind to flap
A life of love, loss, and sometimes despair
Yet all long my Savior did help me fare
He always helped me through the pain
And always, but always so much I did gain
I now realize He prepared me for my greatest loss
The death of my husband at such a high cost
His death would have been unbearable at best
If not for the years prior to his final rest
God prepared me for the loss of my dearest friend
My life, my love, my companion till the end
Life lessons that God taught me along the way
In preparation for the life I lead today
It's taken twenty nine years to bring me crashing to my knees
Now my hope in life is only for my God to please
Let me surrender my complete self to God
To obey His call on every path I trod
Accept the life He has chosen for me
To be the best for Him that I can possibly be

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