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Love In The Highest Form

by Robert Hedrick

Love flows freely in The Bread of Life
for the world to share,
Coming from The Throne of Grace and it
can always be found there.
With The Father, interceding for those
who yielded to His plea,
Saying, their sins have been forgiven,
they now belong to me.

Jesus is The Bread of Life as He feeds
spiritual hunger within,
He shed precious blood sustaining His
Life to cover our sin.
Demonstrating a love that He'd have us
in our life to display,
Love able to turn the world around and
have it going God's way.

Then with love God created as the world
appeared at His command,
Displaying such beauty that only comes
from a loving hand.
Love was in each of His creations, yet
more was put in His last,
This was man, who disobeyed God and on
man was the sin curse cast.

God's Son entered the world, The Bread
of life, Love in The Highest Form,
The Perfect Sacrifice for sin and able
to lead through life's every storm.
Demonstrating love that He'd have all
to share with one another,
Love so strong that we're willing to
lay down our life for our brother.

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