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Sin Freedom

by Robert Hedrick

One sin, one thousand sins or more,
Jesus died for them all,
Each one is forgiven the instant He
hears the sinner's call.
From the youngster whose sin debt
we consider to be light,
Up to the elderly whose debt of sin
may reach a staggering height.

This world's Creator sent His Son
to free the sin debt of man,
From heaven to a cross to a grave,
back to heaven was His plan.
With shed blood so pure to cover
every sin man will commit,
From the least to the greatest with
one only that it will omit.

Jesus said the unforgiven sin is The
Holy Spirit being denied,
Often this will happen all because
of a person's stubborn pride.
As self control takes over and God's
ways are simply put aside,
The Holy Spirit failed to penetrate
the heart each time He tried.

As it's written, all have sinned and
fell short of God's glory,
Yet there's hope for Jesus gives joy
to an otherwise, tragic story.
For this is why He came to earth, the
reason His blood was shed,
That hell can be avoided and as death
comes, there's nothing to dread.

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