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A word on building houses…

by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Don't be foolish, don't build your house on the sand…
When the storms of life come, don't expect it to stand.
The rain and the floods will tear it down to the earth;
Hardship always reveals, what one's faith is truly worth.

Much wiser it is, to build your house on Christ, the Rock;
To do as Jesus says, the Good Shepherd of the flock.
Then, when storms hit, your house won't move an inch;
Your heart won't be shaken, you will trust and not flinch.

So don't be like that foolish man, wise in his own eyes…
Put your trust in Jesus, and follow hard after Christ.
Then, and only then, will your foundation be secure —
When the Lord builds the house, it shall evermore endure!

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