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Forgetting Who God Is

by Dave Mudford © 2023

Justice forgotten in the rush to the urgent
waiting dismissed in the pride of my will,
purpose hidden in the mission that I fashion,
surrender left; trying my life to fill.

Fires smothered by my disconnection
now breathing in the fumes of compromise,
burning embers dwindling in my pretence,
choking on desires that will not optimize.

Thirsting in the barren hope of my strength
dried out by the confusion as I try to please,
consuming His grace with a neglectful glance,
shielding from rain's blessings by striving for my ease.

Justice remodeled by our insistence to be right
a flawed concept, ignoring what the other says,
wounded and huddled in a corner by ourselves,
This is life; living forgetting who God is....

Justice defined by the Father's heart
displayed by His naked frame nailed to a tree,
amazing grace is healing us despite our pain,
breathing in His love, as we fall to our knee.

Hosea 12:6 But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.

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