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Beneath the Floorboards

by Dave Mudford © 2023

Vibrant hues of colors fade
distant love has died alone,
cruel lies rising to persuade
grace, buried from what is known.

beneath the floorboards of my soul
doubts hidden deep in my pretense,
conflicting thoughts battling for control
shame becomes my only defenseā€¦

Vibrant hues of colors flourish
true love sees Jesus die alone,
living truth rising to nourish
grace, informs that I am known.

exposing the floorboards of my soul
hope going deep, with nothing hidden now,
precious thoughts making my broken, whole
His favor becomes healing I allow!

Note: What do you have hidden beneath the floorboards of your soul? Hidden away - maybe even from your own perspective. Bring it into the light of His favor and grace and you will be delighted with how the darkness will turn into real color that flourishes in His love!

Psalm 18:19 He brought me out into a spacious space, He rescued me because He delighted in me!

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