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Praise to You Tonight

by Annie B © 2023

All praise to You, my Lord, tonight!
Keep me, O keep me, King of Kings,
For all the blessings of Your Light,
Beneath Your own almighty wings.

Forgive me, Lord, in the name of Your Son;
That with the world, myself and Thee,
This day, the ills that I have done
So as I sleep at peace I may be.

Teach me to live without any dread.
Teach me to die that I may
Fly against the grave to where I was led
Until I rise glorious at Your judgment day.

When in the night I sleeplessly lie;
Let no evil dream disturb my rest;
My soul with Your heavenly thought supply;
No powers of darkness will molest.

When I shall have my earth's last day
And hear divine hymns when angels sing;
Forever they chase the darkness away.
Now, all praises belong to my Eternal King.

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