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Poems by Paul Purday

poem count: 90 | pages: 10 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 15 times
The Lost Sheep (Luke 15 v 4 - 7)
Poem depicting the parable of the Lost Sheep.

The Return (Luke 15 v 11 - 32)
Poem about the return of the Prodigal Son.

The Garden
Describing how man was deceived in the Garden, and now how we know His Garden of Grace.

He Paid
Describing how Jesus paid our debt.

Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4 v 6 & 7)
A poem concerning the Treasure we have within our jars of clay.

Gratitude finalist in poetry contest
A poem intimating the gratitude we have for all that God has done.

The House
Poem showing both a natural house and the spiritual house.

Portent second in poetry contest
A poem linking the portent of the weather to the journey of Jesus and His path to the Cross.

The Sea
Poem likening the sea to finding hidden depths in God.