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Poems by Paul Purday

poem count: 90 | pages: 10 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 15 times
Burning Hearts (Luke 24 v 13-35)
Poem concerning Jesus meeting the two people on the Emmaus road.

Glory (1 Corinthians 1 v 26-31)
Putting 1 Corinthians 1 into poetic form.

New City finalist in poetry contest
A poem about the New Jerusalem.

A poem about Jerusalem as the Holy City.

Greater than Angels (Hebrews Chapter 1)
Poetising Hebrews Chapter 1 showing the greatness of Christ.

A poem explaining the difference between the rigidity of traditions, and serving Jesus.

The Eternal Word (John Chapter 1)
A poem about Jesus as the Eternal Word as depicted by John Chapter 1.

Background Noise finalist in poetry contest
How background noise in our minds shuts out the sound of truth.

Preeminent. (Colossians 1 v 13-18)
Concerning the preeminence of Christ.