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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Heart's Call
This poem reflects on Jesus' compassionate heart, reaching out to souls in sin with love and mercy, offering redemption and new life.

Let Love Have its Say
Written for my daughter's wedding today.

Describes those who don't believe in God will be considered as chaff, and will be separated from those who believe in God..

The Wedding Dance
A reflection on marriage and what the sacred union should be about.

Cornerstone (1 Peter 2 v 4-10)
A poem championing Jesus as the Head of the corner.

Yearning for reunion
Following the death of three of my brothers, I long for reunion with them, and all my loved ones. I long for Heaven, to be with my Lord, but am very aware of my sin and shortcomings. In spite of this, I have hope, that Christ has earned my salvation.

The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53)
Isaiah 53 put into poetry.

A poem asking where do our hearts belong?

Anchored in Christ
Anchored in Jesus Christ

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