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Poems by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

poem count: 135 | pages: 15 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 5 times
How Nicodemus came to Jesus
Inspired by John 3 : 1-21

Come, Holy Spirit
Anaphora poem, inspired by a sermon I heard in church on the Sunday of Pentecost.

Psalm 107
Inspired by Psalm 107; slightly abbreviated.(KJV) God is faithful, full of mercy, and always gracious to His people.

The rich man and the beggar
Inspired by Luke 16 : 19-31

In everything by prayer…
Inspired by Philippians 4: 17 God has a solution for our anxiety!

Psalm 90
“The eternal God”: A poetic rendition of Psalm 90; a psalm of Moses, the man of God. (KJV) This psalm is a prayer offered by Moses, when the people of Israel were about to take possession of the Promised Land.

“Oh, you of little faith”
Inspired by Matthew 14: 22-23, where Peter attempts to walk on the sea. Sometimes our fear is greater than our trust…

Turn me, dear Lord
A personal prayer poem