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Poems by C D D

poem count: 21 | pages: 3 | second place: 3 times | finalist: 5 times
Car Crash
This was a requested write a while back. James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be of the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appreareth for a little time, then vanisheth away.

Again, Under Conviction
Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. I don't know what your IT is, but leave it on the altar. Other verses used: 1 John 2:16, Rom 5:20, Rom 6:1-2, Eph 6:16.

Removal of Your Dross (Quatern)
Written in a quatern format, this poem is inspired by Proverbs 25:4 Take away thy dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.