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Poems by Deborah Ann Belka

poem count: 1055 | pages: 118 | first place: 4 times | second place: 8 times | finalist: 67 times
If Perfect Love ~
If God's love is perfect then why do we worry?

Grace to The Rescue
Grace stands ready to redeem and restore.

Faith is Active
The power of God is behind our faith and we need to draw from it everyday of our life's.

Don't Waste Your Valley
No matter what valley you've been in . . . encourage others by sharing with them how God helped you make it through!

Singing in The Rain
Thanking God for providing me a refuge while in the midst of troubled waters!

Substaining Faith finalist in poetry contest
My faith has carried me through all of life's storms.

My Arrow Deflector finalist in poetry contest
The Lord indeed is my shield!

Our Prayers Make a Difference finalist in poetry contest
God will answer in His time so don't ever give up!