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Poems by Deborah Ann Belka

poem count: 1055 | pages: 118 | first place: 4 times | second place: 8 times | finalist: 67 times
God Has A Plan
Though I am not sure right now what it is, I trust it because it is His!

The Infallible Word of God
Why I believe God Word is Infallible and should stay that way!

The Threshold of Fear
Don't let that slimy old serpent cross it!

Give up, Never finalist in poetry contest
Don't ever give up and give in to a worldly attitude!

The Season's Of Life
For each season God has a reason . . .

Fall Back ~
How I am planning on using that extra hour given me?

God's Finger Painting ~
Autumn colors remind me of a finger painting made by God!

The Art of Being Still
Trusting God and remaining still is a skill we must learn!

Forever Strong
Staying strong through life's journey!