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Poems by Gertrude Jefferies

poem count: 157 | pages: 18 | first place: 6 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 23 times
Fresh Wind
There are times when the going is hard and we just need that extra "push" from the Holy Spirit to keep us going.

On Life’s Journey
We talk about sailing the sea of life, and for some it's smooth sailing all the way, it seems, and for other the weather is stormy all the way, but we have a Pilot who can take us safely home no matter what the weather on our journey.

Sidewalks Cracks finalist in poetry contest
Sin leaves many consequences behind, but thank God, he cleanse every the tiniest of the stain of consequence.

Thank You So Much.
Just wanted to say "Thank You" to all who gave so much that we might know freedom and peace. May God bless you.

Did Anyone Mention You
How many times do we pass someone by on the street, give them a few coins, and keep on going? How many of us stop and tell them that Jesus loves and cares about them?

God's Promise
I was just reading Romans 8:28 and was thinking how God has been so faithful in keeping his Word to his children.

God Sent A Special Present
Christmas and Christ, it has always been and always will be. Such love for a world who didn't even know why he came, and even when they did know, didn't want to own Him, this Special Gift of God.

The Best Gift
No matter what kinds of gifts we receive, we never will have the joy of the best gift until we know Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Surrendered To You
A prayer I need to make many times, if I am to be all that I can be for the Lord.