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Poems by Jennifer Kirkendall

poem count: 14 | pages: 2 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 2 times
King Jesus
This poem is about Jesus, our risen and reigning King, as we celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter.

Having Coffee with Jesus second in poetry contest
This is how I like to start my mornings- Talking to Jesus over a cup of coffee.

Living Water
I wrote this poem from reading Psalms 42:1 after facing tragedy in my life.“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.”

My son, Joshua, died on January 7, 2020 when he was just 14 years old. The Children’s Hospital where he was did an imprint of his hand which now hangs on my wall. The idea of this poem came from looking at my son’s handprint everyday.

My Jesus, My Friend
This poem is about our one true friend, Jesus.