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Poems by Patricia Joan Polhans

poem count: 93 | pages: 11 | first place: 1 time | finalist: 3 times
The Birthing of Poetry first in poetry contest
This poem tells some of the things involved in birthing a poem. Just as God conceived us we are spawning poetry.

This is another story about my mother whom I loved dearly. She was my best friend. The Bible says to honor your father and mother. This is my way of honoring her once again.

Mamma's Mansion
We grew up very poor and mama always wanted a nice home but it never happened. I felt sad for mama after her death because she never received one.Then I realized that she has a mansion in heaven greater and nicer than any home found here on this earth.

Gift of Love
I wrote this poem about my cousin who passed away after a 12 year battle with cancer.Her illness caused her to give her heart to the Lord and she became very strong.The doctors had given her 2 months to live but she lived well beyond their predictions!

Happily Ever After
I've been told there are no happily ever afters but I know there are ever afters in heaven.

Christmas Reminders
Things at Christmas time that remind me of the Savior!

Father's Day
I associated this poem with Father's Day except it's talking about Father's Day in heaven!

Fair Maiden
Relates to the Song of Solomon. This is about a young maiden capturing the heart of God!

Cherished Memories
Written for a friend who lost her sister .Though death seems to take a loved one they always leave,some cherished memories even though they are with the Father whom we can also bring memories, too.