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Poems by Patricia Joan Polhans

poem count: 93 | pages: 11 | first place: 1 time | finalist: 3 times
Husband of the Bride
A vision of the church 'married' to Christ.It tells of his faithfulness to her.Then he laid her at the foot of the cross where he was crucified & told her that he'd return for her.As she laid there she observed his crucifixion.

Grandmas' Passing
This story is about a dear Grandma upon her death bed tells how that demon's came and fought to take her soul.

A Vision of Calvary
This is a story I wrote about seeing Christ hanging on the cross as he died for our sins. He could have called a legion of angels to rescue him but he never!

In Loving mem'ry of Linda D.
This poem was written in remembrance of a young women who passed away after having a stroke while only in her thirties. She left 3 teenage children.We are thankful for the mem'ries given to us though short lived and thankful for the hope of heaven!

Stars in the Heavens
Creating the heavens! God knows the stars in the heavens and calls them each by name. Every soul that is saved becomes a shining light, a star in the heavens!

The Aborted Baby: The Crying Fetus finalist in poetry contest
I wrote this poem after seeing a painting of Jesus holding a little aborted baby in his hands as he wept!I pray that this will cause mothers to think before considering an abortion.The baby,though dead,is crying out for life as Jesus holds it in his hand

This was written by my ten year old daughter, Cheyenne Polhans about her dad. She worked on this poem for a long time. Please enter with her name.

Grandma and Little Kid Times
This poem I wrote for my son to take to the hospital for his Grandmother. Some of it isn't true because he never had a Christian grandmother but who says poetry has to be non-fiction?

The Wife of Noble Character
Talks about how precious a wife of noble character is. She is worth more than rubies or costly stones and her husband has complete confidence in her. Taken from Proverbs 31:10-31.