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Poems by Paul Purday

poem count: 96 | pages: 11 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 16 times
The Light is on. finalist in poetry contest
A poem describing that the work has been done and we don’t need to add anything of our own.

The Man in the Middle
The conversation Jesus had with the thief on the Cross.

Two Worlds
A poem showing the contrast between man’s world and God’s world.

The Mountain
Ascending the Mount of God through faith.

The Return
Concerning returning to Christ, and His return.

The power of song in God’s world.

The True Vine
A poem showing where our true spiritual comes from. Abiding in the Vine.

The Church, His Bride.
A poem to show Christ’s love for His Church.

His Grace finalist in poetry contest
Depicting this essential character of God and what it means for us.