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The Voice
The first time I have written a Villanelle. It relates to the uniqueness of the human voice in relation to God.

The Janitor
A poem about society, and the heroes it overlooks.

How Many Times?
How many times must we forgive?

Wake Up America
I wrote this poem for Independence Day. Our nation was founded on God and it is my pray that He heals our land. I am so thankful for our freedom.

If The Good Lord’s Willing
Our lives are busy and we have so much on our to-do-lists but we must always remember to include God in our everyday lives.. He is the only one who knows what the future holds.

A Place Called Paradise finalist in poetry contest
While musing over my beloved, I wrote the following romantic words for Him as an expression of deep love and honour for someone as loving, beautiful and unforgettable as He is. My greatest wish is only to be with Him forevermore in paradise.

Which Path
Which path would you choose to travel upon in life — one designed by God, or one lost and far-gone? The choice is ours.

Lazy Sunday
Resting in God's refuge is not a lazy thing to do. Sabbath so much more than being lazy - it is stopping, resting, delighting and worshipping. What a great way to spend the day.

Just Another Day finalist in poetry contest
Just another day? Maybe take we need to take a closer look!

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