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Poems by Belinda van Rensburg

poem count: 141 | pages: 16 | first place: 4 times | second place: 7 times | finalist: 33 times
Encircled by Your Love
A poem about a Christians' desperate desire to be close to Jesus; to be 'encircled by His love'.

Tears in Crystal Vials finalist in poetry contest
The Sovereign Lord will wipe the tears from our faces.

Weep No More
When we become His children we are given a new life; a new beginning. He will heal our hearts and dry all our tears.

The Dusty Old Book second in poetry contest
We should read our Bibles - the Living Word of God - not let them lie on our shelves collecting dust.

A Time and Season for All Things
A poem based on Ecclesiastes 3.

This Child
When we accept Christ as our personal Saviour, we become children of the Living God.

God Cares finalist in poetry contest
God cares about things both big and small.

Christmas Around the World
Some people celebrate a cold Christmas; others a warm or hot one. It doesn't matter what the weather is like, though. What matters is that we honor and celebrate Jesus on His special day.