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Poems by Belinda van Rensburg

poem count: 141 | pages: 16 | first place: 4 times | second place: 7 times | finalist: 33 times
Peerless Prince of Peace
A poem about Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

Strong In You, Lord
The Lord is my strength - when I am weak, He is strong.

Turned Downside Up
My life used to be upside down, but Jesus turned it downside up :)

The Sign of the Bow second in poetry contest
God gave us the rainbow as a sign that He would never again send a flood to drown those who sin against Him.

Come Out of Babylon
Christians should be a seperate people.

Night Lights finalist in poetry contest
A poem likening Christians to the heavenly bodies.

Follow the Leader
A poem comparing Jesus and Christians to characters and events in a well-known film.

With All That I Am
I love God with all that I am.