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Poems by Belinda van Rensburg

poem count: 141 | pages: 16 | first place: 4 times | second place: 7 times | finalist: 33 times
The Master Painter finalist in poetry contest
This poem came to me as I was admiring my moonlit garden recently.

Made With Love
God made everything beautiful for our enjoyment.

Yester Years
This is a poem about an elderly lady reminiscing about her youth and her loved ones.

Tell Me You Love Him
Another Valentine's Poem - from a Christian perspective.

I Have Never Touched Snow
Though I've never touched snow It is cold, I know;Though I've not seen our Lord I believe in His Word.

In the Belly of the Beast
This is a poem based on a vision I had some years back.

Gazing Out Her Window
How many people 'out there' are saved?

Lean On Me
A story about a friend in need, and a friend indeed. An analogy.

The Winter of My Soul
A poem about a soul's degeneration, followed by it's regeneration in Christ.