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Poems by Dave Mudford

poem count: 200 | pages: 23 | first place: 3 times | finalist: 31 times
My True Neighbor
Who is your stranger?

Thankful for Your Tears
A friend was asked to pray at a funeral which was a result of a suicide. He cried all the way through the prayer. Afterwards the Dad of the man who died came up to him and gave him a hug and said "Thank you for your tears". Sometimes words are not enough

All in the Blood
This poem was written in a waiting room while waiting to have a blood test.

Guilty No More
The old life has passed - the new has come!

Patience Deeper Meaning
A poem that explores the deeper meaning of what patience is. More than just putting up with our our present circumstances - but being aware; and also ready for what God has in store for us!

Explores where the beautiful is truly discovered! and what threatens to remove it.

Within His Glory
Sometimes the journey is hard. But usually the true beauty in life is in the journey with God. Not the location we end up, but found always within His glory

Pride’s Wrath finalist in poetry contest
Examines difference between our pride and God's love.

The fragile frame of Jesus was lifted high upon a rugged cross - bearing all the weight of our sin.