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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
Changed by God
God is the master of changes. As He changes the lowly caterpillar into a thing of beauty, then so will He change the heart of man.

The Real Success Story
We hear the expression "the secret of success" yet there is no secret to real success for the pages of God's Word tells us clearly of how to be truly successful.

God The Mover
There have been times in my life when I've made mistakes and they put mountains of problems before me. As I try to solve them on my own they only become larger. It's not till I give them to God, do I find the help I need.

It Begins at Jesus' Feet
Every good thing that we experience while on this earth will begin at the Feet of Jesus. A relationship with God, the peace that can only be found through salvation and an eternity spent in heaven.

Future Plans
At times we need to plan ahead, however, I try not to plan too far ahead, except for eternity. This can never be planned too soon.

Symbols of Significance
There are two symbols that I see very often and this poem attempts to relate what they relate to me.

Life Ever After
No matter what we might believe, when life on this earth has come to an end and it will for all, it's far from over.

Between Now and Then
A poem describing how we put things off till another time, saying I'll do it sometime between now and then. Thruth is, then may never get here.

I Came
I find that the messages I hear in church gives me a better understanding of what I've read earlier in the bible.