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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
A Fitting Description
A poem describing people that have a Christ-like quality in the manner of life that they live.

A Prayer Request
Christians are given the privilege and the duty to pray for others. We should do so as often as the need arises.

Life is Eternal
God created the life that dwells on earth and someday He will take it away.

Christmas Love
The satisfaction of looking back on Christmas after we have shared with those who have fallen on hard times.

Creation and Christmas
In the beginning, as God created the world and all that's in it, He knew there would be a Christmas day.

Continuing Christmas
It seems that man is trying his best to do away with Christmas and to label it as just another holiday. Christians are the only hope in keeping it for future generations.

Bethlehem's Christmas Eve
The night before the first Christmas in a town called Bethlehem.

A Heavenly Gift
Sometimes God wil bring us down to our knees to accept the Gift that He has given the world.

Looking Ahead
Sometimes we do not see the opportunities we are given until we've had the chance to look back and see them.