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Poems by Albert Watson

poem count: 90 | pages: 10 | first place: 3 times | finalist: 13 times
The State Of The Nation finalist in poetry contest
I describe here what is happenning in England, but I believe the situation described could be applied to most of the western world.This is a very blunt word but a word that needs to be read out loud and clear to everyone in the land.

I'm Eighty Four you Know
Very often this lady misses out at Christmas time I want to give her a higher profile. Read it and smile

Our Calling
I am aware that many things have been done in the name of Christ that really are not of Christ. This poem reminds us that we the Church are to be a very different people.

Adam and STEVE
One or two folk have got quite angry over this poem, assuming all kinds of things about me. My reply is that I am only communicating the facts.

Trusting Jesus
I trust that every believer who reads this will be encouraged in their walk with Jesus. I have tried singing this as a rap seems to fit O.K.

The Prodigal Son first in poetry contest
Was not quite sure as to which catergory to put this poem in. I have used my imagination to extend this probably most well known of The Parables. Trust you enjoy it.

I Believe in Heaven
My poetic interpretation of Luke chapter 16 verses 19-31. With a challenge in the last verse for the reader.

Snatched Away
Right from my very early days as a believer I have had an interest in this truth. Come Lord Jesus

Worship and Adore
I trust that the final verse encourages all true believers everywhere to join together in worship and prayer