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Poems by Mark Spencer

poem count: 95 | pages: 11 | first place: 4 times | second place: 4 times | finalist: 38 times
Junk first in poetry contest
A poem about hope and purpose!

Finding Eternity finalist in poetry contest
A poem about life and afterlife.

God Must Not Exist first in poetry contest
The top argument made by most unbelievers is: "How can a loving God allow the evils of this world to happen, much less go on?" That was me, years ago. But God gave me my answer. An answer that my heart was WILLING to accept. The heart must be willing.

The Truth finalist in poetry contest
Truth is something that every soul must face. For denial of it's bite is the denial of the one who embodies it! This is the oil that fills the lamp of preparation. Without it, there is only darkness.

Strong Legs finalist in poetry contest
I've had some pretty harrowing near death experiences. I faced cancer, got shot at in the wee hours of the morning in front of a bar in Inglewood CA, was in a motorcycle accident at 70mph, and had a .45 held to my temple by a crazy ex-cop! I wasn't alone