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Poems by Mark Spencer

poem count: 95 | pages: 11 | first place: 4 times | second place: 4 times | finalist: 38 times
The Race
A metaphor about the Christian journey, and the competitive nature of man.

The Navigator
A metaphor about letting go and letting God.

The Maid finalist in poetry contest
A metaphor on how Jesus cleans the clutter from our lives.

Memoirs And Battle Scars
What can I say? I'm a story teller! I love a good story.

The Center
A lesson about choices, and the effect they have on everyone around,

The Bible
A lesson God shared with me during a vision, shortly after a near death experience.

A Walk With Jesus finalist in poetry contest
A tale of miracles, and a circular journey from lost soul to saved soul!

The Tides Of Time
A poetic description of the flow of life.

Butterfly Angels
The story of a little girl who caught more than an ordinary butterfly in her net!