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Poems by Mark Spencer

poem count: 95 | pages: 11 | first place: 4 times | second place: 4 times | finalist: 38 times
Jesus And Michael
This is actually a song lyric that I never put to music. So I chose to publish it as a poem.

Lest Ye Be Judged
God knew my love for rhyming verse, and it was through this medium that he chose to teach me. If I had questions, I'd sit down to write, and the answers came. Many of my poems deal with the clash between the world ... and God.

Good Enough
God teaches us differently. I was a proud agnostic before my NDE in 1992. I was a proud Christian after, elevating myself because of that NDE. But through my poetry, God called me out, and taught me through my own work. Once learned, I shared the lesson.

God’s Masterpiece first in poetry contest
A metaphor for life and the struggles therein, and how easy it is for those who don't know the truth, to fill in the blanks in their own favor.

Centurion finalist in poetry contest
With this piece, I wanted to tell the crucifixion story through the eyes of a Roman Centurion who had, himself, come to believe in the divinity of Christ.

A Battle Begins
A frightened soldier's perspective on the Battle Of Jericho!

I Could Have Been
A poem from the perspective of an unborn child who is facing an abortion!

I Am God
A rebuke of the pretentious members of humanity, among whom I still number; who see themselves as more than average, more than sinners. The artist or poet who creates for acclaim, glorifying flowers, rather than the flower's Maker.

The Road To Damascus
A metaphor about the journey from a lost soul to the salvation of Christ.