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Poems by Debra Brent

poem count: 30 | pages: 4 | first place: 1 time | second place: 2 times | finalist: 12 times
I Believe finalist in poetry contest
Anything is possible, if you let go, you let God and believe.

God is Love finalist in poetry contest
No matter one's past, you can be saved because God is Love.

That Time of Year
How reflection of sin can turn to redirection within.

My One Christmas Wish first in poetry contest
I miss my dad a great deal during the holiday season. If I could bring him back to life alongside the innocence of childhood, this would be My One Christmas Wish.

The Battle Within second in poetry contest
A war waged of Satan, won solely by faith.

Petals of Pain finalist in poetry contest
The healing power of God's saving grace.

Wasted Time second in poetry contest
I'd have known back then what I know now, had I only taken time out to listen.

Last Letter?
Trauma, fear and shame can lead one down, which feels like, a dead end path. It's that same path, however, which can also lead one to new life.

The Road Back Home
This poem depicts how to find one's way back to Him through the power of forgiveness.